There are good reasons for an air force to keep count of the number of enemy aircraft it destroys: for example, assessing the progress of a campaign; bolstering morale within its own ranks and on the home front; and to impress allied nations, neutrals and enemies. Units and pilots keep score out of both ésprit de corps and rivalry between individuals. The Luftwaffe however took this a step further, awarding medals on the basis of victories claimed and, in Summer 1940, advancing high-scorers to command units. Communications in Göring’s name ordered units to submit lists of pilots’ respective scores and some of this naturally surfaced in deciphered messages.
Individuals might be named in deciphered messages for a whole variety of reasons: anything from routine administration to the highest honours. Sometimes the award is mentioned explicitly while in others the context only becomes clear in the light of other sources. There was of course nothing secret about the Ritterkreuz (Knight’s Cross), its recipients were front page news in the German press. On 28 August, Obltn. Helmut Wick of JG 2 was instructed to report to the CO of the Berlin Aircraft Park. ULTRA did not however reveal he had received his Ritterkreuz the previous day from Göring. On 10 September it was learned that Obltn. Hans-Joachim Jabs of ZG 76 had been recommended for the RK (in the event he did not receive it until 1 October). On the 15th ZG 76 sent congratulations to their newly-decorated Kommodore “from those left behind at Dinard”. On 12 September Ofw. Werner Machold of JG 2 had been due to land at Caen, to be met by a car and driven to report to the commander of V. Fliegerkorps, Genltn. Robert Ritter von Greim. Machold’s journey was likely related to the award of his RK, announced in the Völkischer Beobachter two days later. As we have already seen, Oberstltn. Walter Grabmann of ZG 76 was ordered to report to Göring’s train on 14 September where, as later became apparent, his Knight’s Cross had been conferred. JG 51’s Maj. Werner Mölders received the Eichenlaub (Oak Leaves) on 21 September, in recognition of his 40th aerial victory. A message to that effect went out three days later, coincidental with the same distinction being bestowed on Maj. Adolf Galland of JG 26 (which ULTRA did not disclose) and with Helmut Wick being ordered to Mardyck “for a short conference with the Kommodore of JG 2”. The last day of September saw Seenotgruppe 3 at Boulogne announcing the Eisernes Kreuz (Iron Cross) 1st Class for Feldwebels Karl, Scherer and Berger; Uffz. Rudolf Grünauer and Ltn. Wölke. Göring was to award this in person on 1 October, in recognition of their rescuing Knight’s Cross holder “Hptm. Tingel”—in fact Rolf Pingel of I./JG 26—fished out of the Channel off Dungeness after being shot down on the 28th. This had been Fw. Karl’s 20th rescue. It says something for the place of the hero in Luftwaffe culture that five men should themselves be decorated for rescuing one of them.