This year's additions and corrections to the site are listed opposite, with the most recent at the top.

I'm not working to any schedule: this isn't a job, I'm doing it for fun.


8 March 2024

Background and sources for my c. 25,000-word history Sonderstaffel Einhorn and III./KG 200: from Self-sacrifice to Surrender in Axis Wings Volume 1 (Chandos Publications, 2024).

Raid damage reports: the destruction of 14 Focke-Wulf Ta 152's at Cottbus-Neuhausen on 16 January 1945 plus information about the Gefechtsverband Kommando der Erprobungsstellen.

Geschwader Bongart: a detailed report of operations round Limoges on 16 June 1944 (with thanks to Georg Schlaug)

Kommando Koch: specifications of the Karl I and II jamming transmitters.

Listening and Jamming: specifications of the Kettenhund, Nervtöter and Starnberg jamming transmitters.

1.(F)100: some addtions about flights and movements in late April/early May 1945 and to the order of battle at Appendix 3.

Nachtjagdstaffel Norwegen:figures for monthly allocations of night fighters.

SG 4 in Italy: note about the fate of Horst Wegener of 7./JG 53.

Minor corrections to typing, links and layouts.


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